Monday, September 10, 2012

The Greek Tortoise

Our weekly shell this week is the Greek Tortoise.

  • Comes from Turkey
  • Native to Southern Spain, North Africa, and Eastern Europe
  • Can grow from 6 to 7 inches
  • Can live up to 50 years and older
  • Diet high in fiber and calcium and low in protein and fat
Tristan is a greek tortoise. He looks like the tortoise on the right(brown greek tortoise). All these facts are true, but one I just learned about is that Greek tortoises not greek. They are called greek because of the pattern on their shell.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Welcome tortoises and Turtles!

Hi! I'm Pinktortoise and this is my tortoise, Tristan. We welcome you to our blog. We will have weekly shell with pictures and info. about them. If you want to know about a certain tortoise ask us.